Monday 7 April 2014

Star Trek: Nemesis


Star Trek: Cliche


Star Trek: Vacuous

A totally un-fitting end to the adventures of the Enterprise D (E) crew. This was filmmaking at its most unimaginative; stolid, by-the-numbers extreme. The trailer looked great and I was really looking forward to seeing it, after all, the even numbered Trek films were generally the better ones, but this one plumed the depths of cliche after cliche. No risks taken, no vision offered, nothing to remember it by.

Standard fight scenes, vacuous action scenes, cardboard villain - this film has it all. 

After the more than tepid response to 'Star Trek: Insurrection', it seems the filmmakers wanted some big-screen-action yet their television mentality crippled this film from being little more than yet another extended TV episode. 

Ok, it holds one's attention and it's always nice to the see the gang together, but they are just doing another film without any apparent passion. 

I know everyone dumps all over 'Star Trek V: The Final Frontier', but at least that had the guts to have a unique vision and a new and challenging point of view, whereas 'Nemesis' was the worst kind of filmmaking: boring.

Too many contrivances, too many plot predictable plot devices. You have a huge screen to play with, so go play with it for heaven's sake! Make it epic, make it cinematic! But you didn't, you made a flat, dull expensive TV two-parter.

Why couldn't you do the mirror-universe?? That would have been awesome! Give us some real drama, not this juvenile comic book story. Give us something we can sink out teeth into. 

Though I think that JJ Abram's re-imagined 'Star Trek' films are just as vacuous and derivative, at least they are cinematic taking full advantage of that beautiful, terrifying silver screen. 

** out of *****

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