Thursday 10 April 2014

Satellite Boy

A cliched, tepid and ultimately uninteresting tale of a young indigenous boy travelling far and wide only to learn that his real home and place of belonging is the very place where he started.

Full of good intentions that are unfortuntaly severely let down by a Director who doesn't allow the performances to shine through and an Editor who is way too fond of cutting scenes that should really have been left to run uninterrupted.

Potentially powerful scenes are chopped up to the point where they become trite and meaningless. This hurry-up attitude prevents the film from becoming a truly remarkable work and only succeeds in being a mildly passable diversion, mainly for overseas viewers.

It's all so predictable. The innocent little boy on a grand quest to find his place in the world. Along side him is his best friend who is swayed by 'modern' ways and foibles leaving our young hero to fight the good fight for a vague and in the end unanswered conclusion.

A nice try for sure but it feels more like a rough cut.

** out of *****

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